Services Offered


We offer group and one-on-one meditations virtually through zoom, or in person. Learn mindfulness and guided imagery in a safe and welcoming space. These are compassion based practices aimed to enhance calmness, clarity and release from daily stress.

Reiki with Shazia

Private reiki sessions are available in person or remotely through zoom. Reiki is a Japanese technique of energy healing which involves using the practitioners hands to transfer ‘universal healing energy’ into a person. It is helpful in invoking deep relaxation, easing pain and enhancing energy flow and balance.


Sound Bath

Enjoy a healing and relaxing sound bath, available for one-on-one and group sessions. This is offered in-person only. Alchemy crystal bowls help clear blockage, activate chakras and help deepen the meditation experience. Bowls are 99.992% pure quartz crystal and infused with gemstones, minerals and precious metals, creating powerful healing vibrations.

One-on-One Service Fee

Mindfulness Meditation: 30 min - $40
Mindfulness Meditation: 60 min - $75
Guided Imagery Meditation: 30 min - $40
Guided Imagery Meditation: 60 min - $75
Reiki: 60 min - $80
Sound Bath: 30 min - $50 Sound Bath: 60 min - $100 Consultation: 30 min - $25 Consultation: 60 min - $50

For group session rates please email:


Dana means generosity in Sanskrit, it is an act of giving freely from the heart. Giving cultivates compassion, kindness, letting go, and a deeper awareness of our interconnectedness. Dana is given in recognition of a precious gift offered by a teacher to open heart and mind.

If you have found my teachings beneficial, please feel free to make any contribution that is comfortable. There is no suggested amount, frequency or obligation. Your dana is a gift given from the heart. 

Thank you for your support.